Thursday, January 9, 2014

Brylee- Four Weeks Old

I'm not going to start out this weeks post with Brylee stats as I'm going to save those for her big one month post on Saturday! However, I do need to mention that I was incorrect in Brylee's weight last week. You see, earlier that morning, Matt had taken our scale out in the garage to weigh our garbage. Our garbage is picked up twice a month and each time you can only have three 50 pound bags. You can image what a challenge that can be with diapers! Anyways, I brought the scale inside and weight Brylee. I later found out the scale was a little frozen and wasn't reading accurately! I think you will be surprised how much she has grown in  one month! Stay tuned!

Bylee loves:
-Her activity gym- Gaga bought her the activity gym and boy does she love it! She stares at the toys and even hits them with her hands.  We love to see her eyes follow the toys when we move them. Her little legs and arms go to town when the gym plays music!

-Sun bathing- Brylee loves looking out any window, so I often will lay her by the sliding door in our living room. Another plus is that she gets some vitamin D since we can't be outside for too long in this freezing Canadian weather. 

-Dancing with Daddy- When Matt gets home from work, he instantly grabs her and starts to dance with her. If she is wide awake, she just stares and stares. If she is sleepy, it puts her to sleep. If she is crying, it stops her from crying. Those two love each other  so much! (I don't have a recent picture of this, so here is an old one)

-Baby Bjorn- While Brylee no longer likes the Moby Wrap, she loves the Bjorn. I tried it on Sunday and it puts her to sleep faster that you can say "Good night!" We used it during the day several times this week. (Excuse the selfie....and unshowered selfie at that!)

Brylee doesn't love:
- Car seat- I know I posted last week that she now liked it. Nope. Boy was I wrong. We took a trip in the car this week to Michael's and she cried the entire time. Poor girl!

Hiccups- Nothing is changing there. 

Four week recap:
Thursday- We cheered on Alabama in the Sugar Bowl. Brylee's face tells you the outcome of the game. 

Saturday- Mom took her first trip out solo. I just wandered and wandered around Wal-Mart and Toys R Us. This was the day Brylee got her activity gym!

Monday- What a morning we had! Here's the story: We were all dressed and ready to go exercise with some mom and baby friends. The car is pulled out of the garage, on and hot. (Our garage is too thin for me to open the door and be able to slide Brylee's carseat in). I put Brylee in her carseat, and I don't even get one arm strap around her arm....And spit up. Projectile spit up. (Okay I am exaggerating but still) Her entire last meal. On her. And everywhere. So I strip her and start the bath. I lay her down on her play mat, run outside, pull the car in the garage, close the garage and hear crunchhhhhh. Yep, closed the garage door on my car. Oh Mondays! The rest of the day we played and relaxed in the comfort of our home. 

Tuesday- I had a big to do list on Tuesday. We started off by a 15 minute car ride to Michael's where Brylee cried the entire time. I fed her in the car in the parking lot and then we shopped. She whined (in the car seat again) until we were checking out which is when she fell asleep. We then headed to ROCK for my weekly mommy group. Brylee slept all of 10 minutes when she ate and quickly fell back asleep. The group was two hours, just so you have an idea of how long she slept. Since she was still asleep, I decided to conquer grocery shopping and a stop at Big Lots. The girl didn't wake up until we got home. She ate another quick meal and was out again for four hours. She must have worn herself out crying on the way to Michaels. 

We also got to see our full newborn session gallery on Tuesday! Oh I can't wait to get them printed and hung up in our house. Robyn did such an amazing job capturing our sweet girl!

Wednesday- Finally at four months I got Brylee's footprints. They don't do that in the hospitals here, hence the stop at Michael's on Tuesday to buy an ink pad. You can tell just how longer her toes are by the massive gap in between the ball of her foot and her toe prints. I still haven't conquered her hand prints because she likes to ball up her fists. I'll have to wait until Daddy is home and Brylee girl is asleep. 

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