Friday, January 31, 2014

Brylee-Seven Weeks Old

Look how big my girl looks sitting up! What a fast seven weeks it has been!! Let's jump to the weekly recap:

-Thursday: At Mom's Morning Out, we started the Esther Bible study by Beth Moore. I love some Beth Moore! 

Also, Daddy surprised us and came home for lunch! We were so happy! He likes to hold her in the football hold and "fly" her around. She loves it!

Brylee has cradle cap :(. I hate it. I know it doesn't bother her one bit, but Mommy does not like looking at it. Luckily her hair covers it up! I heard oils are good for it, so I decided to wash her hair in coconut oil. Bad. Idea. It was a greasy mess. I managed to get a picture of Brylee with her pouty lip while her hair was covered in coconut oil! Ha! (Sidenote: She is awake but her eyes are closed for the pic) We had to take a second bath to get it out! Brylee was in heaven because she LOVES her baths! Don't you love her post bath hair do! :)

-Friday: Brylee and I stayed in our pjs all day! She must have been worn out from our daily adventures! 

-Saturday- We finally got out our bread machine and made whole wheat bread. It may not look pretty but man was it delicious! (I accidently lost count while adding the flour, hence it was a little more dense that it should have been. We made it again on Sunday and it turned out much was prettier too but I failed to take a picture) Our next project is sourdough bread!

-Sunday- My girl wore her first piece of jewelry! I bought this for her two days before I found out she was a girl. I just knew :)

-Monday- Brylee and I went to the Momstown meetup to see our friends we met last week. 

-Tuesday- We talked about breast feeding at our ROCK group. Jess and Brittney came! I was thrilled they are now joining the group! After ROCK, Jess and I ran to a children's store. I bought a cozy cover and an amber necklace for Brylee. So many moms have raved about the healing amber necklaces that I had to try it! Check out Brylee's necklace and how cute she is in the cozy cover :) I can't help but laugh. 
(^ That is actually a Wednesday picture. She was laughing and talking to her artwork, which I will talk about in a minute. Just notice the necklace in the above picture)

-Wednesday- We went to Baby Picasso's today! We had a ball. As I mentioned above, Brylee was so proud of her artwork! Each month they have a theme and this month it is "Planes, Trains and Automobiles". We made this one for Daddy! :)

Brylee got a shout out from Momstown Burlington on Facebook so of course I have to show you :)

Also, isn't her fur coat adorable?!

Until next week! <3

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Brylee- Six Weeks Old

Smiley Brylee- that's our daughter's new nickname. Brylee has been smiling in her sleep since day 1 but this week she began interacting with us through smiles. The joy in her sweet face as she laughs and smiles is indescribable. On the other side of that joy is a momma talking in a high pitched voice while dancing and making faces :) Don't you love how those little eyes and nose scrunch up when she smiles. Be still my heart. 

My social butterfly loves our mom and baby events. Because moms get a year of maternity leave in Canada, there is so much for moms and babies that we go to at least one meetup every day. It gives us a chance to get out of the house and meet new people. Brylee really enjoys laying on her blanket and looking at and talking to the babies beside her. It is adorable to see her cooing and smiling at the other children!

Based on our measurements, she weighs 11 pounds 6 ounces and is 22 inches long. Her hair continues to grow. And is actually showing some blonde at the roots. :)

Brylee's least favorite things are bottles, pacifiers and the car seat. The girl won't take a pacifier or bottle for anything. Here are all the pacifiers we've tried. 
We were told in prenatal classes not to try these things until 6 weeks of age so that she didn't have nipple confusion. Believe me, there is no confusion. She knows what she wants and that's all she wants. So be it! I'll take all the bonding I can get, especially now that she is enjoying laying on the floor playing over being held. 

Here's our weekly recap:
-Thursday- Brylee and I attended our first Mom's Morning Out Bible Study at Pineland Baptist Church. Brylee fell asleep during it so I took her to the nursery. I almost cried. This was her first time being without someone in our family. I could still cry today thinking about it. Of course she had no idea I even left her, but I think it will be awhile before I leave her again :). 

-Friday- Two of the sweet girls I met at the Joseph Brant prenatal classes (Brittney and Jess) came over for a play date. This was our first time seeing eachother since we've had our babies! Brittney had Hunter two weeks before Brylee and Jess had Robbie two days before Brylee. Brylee loved playing with Hunter and Robbie! She kept putting her arm over Hunter. It was hilarious!

We decided to sleep train Brylee that night since we had nothing to do on Saturday. She previously had been sleeping in the rock and play and awoke every 2-3 hours to feed. Since birth, she refused to be swaddled or lay on a flat surface. However, I wanted to change that. I knew she wouldn't sleep on a flat surface without being swaddled. I had tried that. She would wake herself by flailing her arms and legs. So, on Friday night, I fed her on one side until she was drowsy, swaddled her, and fed her on the other side. Let me tell you. The girl slept SIX hours, woke up to feed for maybe 5 minutes, slept another SIX hours, fed and then slept two hours. Talk about well rested parents! We couldn't believe it! I kept waking up and checking the time. Luckily, we are still on that schedule today! 

-Saturday- I put together Brylee's high chair and bouncer. I must have been bored :). Clearly she is too small for the bouncer. Brylee did enjoy her first meal with us!  

-Sunday- Brylee took a pacifier for all of 2 seconds. This is the first and only time that has happened.

-Monday- We joined Momstown Burlington and went to our first meet up. Moms sit around and chat for an hour. It was wonderful and I loved meeting new moms! Here is Brylee's cute outfit from L^2 that she wore out. 

-Tuesday- Brylee had her first baton practice! #MiniMe. We also went to our Tuesday group where we learned infant massage. There are so many benefits to infant massage that I was thrilled to learn. Of course Brylee slept through the intro and then woke up screaming because she wanted to eat. She missed out on her first "spa day". 

I also pumped for the first time, and like I mentioned before, she wouldn't take the bottle despite Daddy trying so hard. (Yep, see her screaming in the picture) 

Wednesday- I went to a Momstown class called Baby Basics: Sleep Training. I learned lots of great information for when Brylee turns four months! We also went to Stars and Strollers with Brittney, Hunter, Jess and Robbie. We saw American Hustler. Worst. Movie. Ever. None of us even understood it. Brylee was asleep in her car seat for once so we stopped and saw Daddy at work. Isn't he cute in his overalls he wears in the plant?! :)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Brylee {One Month}

If you don't believe in love at first site (which I didn't previously), have a child. The instant love and connection I felt with Brylee when I first laid eyes on is something that is indescribable. 

Now our sweet Brylee girl is one month old! It's funny how it seems like just yesterday she was born, but how it also feels like she has been a part of our little family forever.

Here are a few stats for you:

-Diaper size 1- We moved from the newborn size at week 3.
-Clothing size 0-3 months- We also moved from newborn clothing at 3 weeks, although Mommy does still squeeze Brylee in a few of her favs! :)
-Head circumference- 38.5 cm

If you haven't already noticed, I'm a list girl. So here you go. In her first month, Brylee:
-lost her umbilical cord
-starting grunting in her sleep
-can follow a toy with her eyes
-can sooth herself when crying (only when she wants to 😊)
-loves laying on the floor and kicking her hands and feet
-pulls Mommy's hair
-sleeps in the rock and play
-loves her swing
-has had two growth spurts (8 days old and one month old)
-loves to eat
-hates the car seat
-loves being outside
-will not sleep on a flat surface
-loves sleeping on Daddy's chest
-hates sleeping ON Mommy but loves sleeping beside her
-rarely sleeps during the day 
-got her nails clipped for the first time (Mommy was too scared the first 3 weeks so she just filed them)
-loves bath time!
-enjoys laying by the window and looking outside
-is knocked out every time I put her in the Baby Bjorn
-loves when we read to her

I can't wait to see how she grows and changes in her second month!