Friday, December 20, 2013

Brylee-One week Old

Brylee Marie Franklin was born one week ago yesterday. She was a perfect 7 pounds 4 ounces and 20 inches long. Although she dropped to 7.2 on Thursday, the day she was released from the hospital, and 6.15 on Friday at her cardiologist appointment, she weighed a whopping 7.95 today! I can't believe how much she has gained since last Friday! 
Brylee girl enjoys:

-Eating- During the night she eats at 11, 3 and 6. During the day, she eats whenever she wants....which could be every 3 hours but it could also be every hour. Since my milk came iin, she has calmed down a bit :) 
-Sleeping- She is a great sleeper! The first night she would not sleep in her bassinet. So, I did the one thing I said I would never do: co-sleep. The second night we tried the rock and play. She wasn't having it. Co-sleeping night number 2. On night 3, she did well with the rock and play. However, after the first feeding, Momma couldn't handle it and laid her on my chest. And here we are at day 8.....still co-sleeping. :). During the day, she sleeps on my chest or Matt's chest, in the swing or in the rock and play. We feel it is very important to have skin to skin time, so she typically gets two naps on a day on our chests and the rest are in the swing or rock and play. Her first two nights, she was up from 3-6 am, so she got some quality Nana time while Mom and Dad slept. 

Smiling- Put some milk in her belly, let her fall asleep, and oh boy do those smiles come! We love it! 
-Pooping- Oh man! We had not idea so much poop can come out of one little tiny newborn girl! My favorite story is when Matt took off her diaper, and she started peeing all over her changing table. Matt calls for help. Once she's done, he slides a clean diaper under here.....and here comes the poop before he can even get her diaper closed. I was laughing too hard at this point to be of any help. Nana came in to assist! 
-Fluffing- Also knows as flatulence. She has to get this from her daddy. The girl can vibrate a diaper!
-Sticking her tongue out- Many times after she eats, Brylee is wide awake. I found out that if you get close to her face and start sticking your tongue out and in, she will copy you.  Smart girl! She loves her little tongue!

Here is a recap of what we have done in our first week with Brylee girl:
Wednesday- Brylee girl was born! She had her first bath in the hospital and got lots of cuddle time with Mom, Dad and Nana. Mom got discharged the same day!
Thursday- We brought our little dual citizen home from the hospital. 
Friday- We took her to a pediatric cardiologist to make sure she didn't have the heart condition Matt had when he was born. All clear! 

Saturday- Matt practiced the art of baby wearing, Brylee got her first bath and we had our first visitors (Nathan and Stephanie and Robyn and Gina)!

Sunday- Nana had about four hours d morning snuggles with this wide awake girl, Mommy and Daddy took Brylee to the grocery store while we were out for her weight check (7.3 pounds!), and then we played in the snow while Nana babysat. 
Monday- Brylee got bath number 2 and then we headed to Robyn's house for her newborn session! Check out Robyn S. Russell Photography online! She is so talented and a wonderful person inside and out! We love her and are thankful to call her friend and neighbor!

Tuesday- What a busy day! We went to the Mapleview Mall to shop for Christmas presents when we saw Santa, so of course Brylee had to meet him. This was my first time to push around the stroller, which I loved! We then went to a Christmas party with my ROCK group where we made "Mistletoes" with Brylee's footprints. After dinner, we celebrated my birthday early since Nana was leaving the morning of the 19th. 
Wednesday- It was Nana's last day in town, so we took it easy and stayed around the house. This left us time to craft! We made clay and stamped Brylee's feet and handprints and then took her one week photos! We can't believe she is already a week old! 

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