Thursday, March 27, 2014

Brylee- Eight Weeks Old

Sweet Brylee girl! The eight week picture is by far my favorite! She is just too stinkin' cute! And she looks so growny sitting up!

This week Brylee discovered her hands. She can't keep her right hand out of her mouth. It is only a short time before she discovers how to loosen her fist and get her thumb in her mouth. I was really hoping I wouldn't have a thumb sucker, but so be it! We'll cross the bridge of getting rid of the thumb when we get there. One step at a time!

She also started smiling at me while feeding. Oh I love it! I will look down at her and tell her I love her and she will just smile away...until she realizes she's no longer getting milk :)

Time for the weekly recap:

-Thursday- I got some morning smiles before we started our day :) Her laugh and smiles bring such joy to me!

Brylee and I went to Mom's Morning Out at Pineland where we studied Esther 2. I brought chocolate chip muffins for everyone. My house smelled wonderful from baking them! After that, we went to Mapleview Mall for a stroller walk with five other moms from Momstown. It was great to meet new moms and babies we had not met yet. My friend Jess came too! Of course my chunky girl decided she wanted to eat once we got to the mall. So what did I do? I held her and fed her (with a cover on) with one hand and pushed the empty stroller with the other hand. Ha! I refused to sit in the nursing room by myself when I could meet other moms. Here was a quick picture I got when we first walked into the mall. 

-Friday- We played and played. I even got under Brylee's activity gym with her to see what it is like. :)

-Saturday- Every morning we start out reading to Brylee. She LOVES books! It's a special treat on Saturdays because Daddy gets to read to Brylee!

I'll take a second to explain Brylee's nakedness.1. The girl loves to be naked. 2. She gets so darn hot with any amount if clothing on when she sleeps. So, I swaddle her naked for bedtime. When she wakes up in the morning, we unswaddle her and give her some naked time before dressing her for the day. She loves it! 
I have been dying to ride on our neighbor, Dan's, four wheeler. He pulls a sled behind it with all the children of the neighbor taking turns riding. We had a big snow all day Saturday so Dan and the kiddos were out all day. When Brylee woke up from her nap, we took her outside to enjoy it....and I also got a ride in the sled! :) (I'm one of the kids in the top right picture). Dan also built the children an igloo. (Bottom right picture) How cool! 

Brylee loved the snow! She kept her tongue out to catch snowflakes! And finally, Daddy/ daughter time!

Matt wore her forward facing in the Bjorn for the first time. She loved it!

-Sunday- Or I should say Super Bowl Sunday! We went to the chili cookoff at Pineland, and yes of course I competed. I had never made chili before and man was it spicy! Brylee wore her Alabama cheerleading uniform and supported the Alabama Football alumni playing for the Seahawks. 

(I told you she loves that hand!)

A quarterback and a cheerleader :)

We love Hope! Thanks for your help with Brylee! She held Brylee while I played Family Feud. Our team won! Woohoo!

-Monday- We went to our normal Momstown group in the morning. That night, Pineland Baptist Church threw is a baby shower. Oh my! I was so overwhelmed and humbled. We were abundantly blessed as so many people have so selflessly...and many of whom we had never met. We have a church family who truly loves like Christ loves us.

-Tuesday- I had my 6 week postnatal OB visit. I just love Stella, my OB, and her nurse Teresa! Just so I have a picture of Brylee and the doctor who delivered her ( yes I am THAT mom):

 In our ROCK group, we learned about infant sleep. Apparently Brylee is supposed to be taking 2-3 hour naps during the day. Yea....that's not happening. At least she is a good night sleeper! My child is active like her mommy during the day. 

After group, Jess came over and we made crafts for our husbands for Valentines Day. I think the kids were tired of having their feet stamped. 

-Wednesday- We were supposed to fly to Atlanta but this happened:

So we changed our flight to early Thursday morning. This allowed me to get the house cleaned, laundry done and dishes washed. 

Travel time! 

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